NOWHERE a little love story


– “I am going nowhere with this illness and disease!

NO-WHERE! ” she cries out. I can’t take it anymore!

(she breaks down)

“Yes. Okay. I see, I am so sorry..

But you see, now you are here.


Not no-where.

And that is somewhere , isn’t it?
You are here.
And that ’s the only place where you can be right now.

Anywhere you go, there, you will be here at that moment in that time.

But you are here now, here with me.

And if you want me to, I will hold you.

So we can be together here and now, and wherever we ever go.”

– “Okay, I see.

Yes, hold me, please.”

(And so he does) 

(And just in case : pun intended :-))




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